Université libre de Bruxelles


Brussels, BELGIUM


The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) has 12 faculties that cover all the disciplines, closely combining academic input and research. It offers almost 40 undergraduate programmes and 250 graduate programmes (with 23 of Masters fully taught in English). It also partners 20 Doctoral schools, with almost 1,600 PhD in progress.

For more details, please visit: https://www.ulb.be/en/mobility/for-partner-universities
Useful information: Practical information international students

ULB Fact Sheet AY2024/2025 (for references only)


  • Master or PhD students from Faculty of Social Sciences with priority given to students majoring in Public Administration, Political Sciences, International Relations and Public Affairs and European Studies;
  • cGPA 3.0 or above.
  • Applicants are required to meet the language requirements set by ULB.


Students should complete the application information in the Online application system (https://isw.um.edu.mo/seas) together with the following documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Any other supporting documents that you believe would be helpful for this program.

PLEASE NOTE: If selected, students are responsible for obtaining the necessary visas by themselves.

Important Notes for Exchange Students
  1. They must obtain comprehensive insurance and complete at least 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccination prior to the departure (at students own expenses)
  2. They need to sign a Participant Declaration before departure
  3. They have to read the “Rules for Semester-based Outgoing Exchange Programmes” and pay attention to the credits requirement.
For enquiries:

Ms. Vivian Vong / Ms. Claudy Lio
Room 4041, Humanities and Social Science Building (E21B)
Department of Government and Public Administration
Tel.: +853 8822-8301/8321
Email: fss.gpa.exchange@um.edu.mo