Jiasheng ZHANG 張家盛
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Tel: +853 8822 8809
Office: 4052, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21B)
E-mail: jiashengzhang@um.edu.mo
Personal Website: https://jiashengzhang.weebly.com

- Ph.D. (Public Administration) Florida State University
- M.A. (Public Policy), Renmin University of China
- B.A. (Public Administration), Sichuan University
- Public Management
- Collaborative Governance
- Environmental and Sustainability Policy
- Quantitative Methods
Refereed Journal Articles
“A Replication of ‘An Experimental Test of the Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory of Citizen Satisfaction’.”, Public Administration (with Chen, W., Dong, B., Hsieh, C., Lee, M.J., Liu, N., Walker, R.M., Wang, Y., Wen, B., Wen, W., Wu, P., & Wu, X.), (2022), DOI: 10.1111/padm.12860.
“Explaining Sustainability Innovation in City Governments: Innovation Mechanisms and Discretion Types in Multi-Level Governance.”, The American Review of Public Administration (with Li, H., & Yang, K.), (2022), DOI:10.1177/02750740221090913
“Experimental Research in the Asia-Pacific Region: Review and Assessment of Regional Capacity.”, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration (with Chen, W., Dong, B., Hsieh, C., Liu, N., Walker, R.M., Wang, Y., Wen, B., & Wu, P.), (2022), DOI: 10.1080/23276665.2021.1945470.
“A Meta-Analysis of the Government Performance—Trust Link: Taking Methodological and Contextual Factors into Account.”, Public Administration Review (with Li, H., & Yang, K.), (2021), DOI: 10.1111/puar.13439
“The Expectancy-Disconfirmation Model and Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services: A Meta-analysis and an Agenda for Best Practice.”, Public Administration Review (with Chen, W., Petrovsky, N., & Walker, R.M.), (2021), DOI: 10.1111/puar.13368
“Topic Modelling the Research-Practice Gap in Public Administration.”, Public Administration Review (with Walker, R.M., Chandra, Y.,& Van Witteloostuijn, A.), (2019), 79(6): 931-937
“Regional Governance and Institutional Collective Action for Environmental Sustainability.”, Public Administration Review (with Yi, H., Suo, L., Shen, R., Ramaswami A., & Feiock R.C.), (2018), 78(4):556-566
“How do Civic Associations Foster Political Participation? The Role of Scope and Intensity of Organizational Involvement.”, Nonprofit Policy Forum (with Li, H.), (2017), 8(1): 3-24
- Chinese Public Administration Research in Mainstream PA Journals: A Systematic Review (2002-2020). (with Li, H.), In Thomas Andrew Bryer (ed.). Handbook of Theories of Public Administration and Management. Edward Elgar Publisher, 2021
Jiasheng ZHANG is Assistant Professor in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Macau. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Public Administration from the Askew School of Public Administration and Policy, Florida State University (FSU).
Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on public management, collaboration, and governance. He is particularly interested in applying quantitative methods, such as experimental design and computational social science methods, to examine issues related to citizen-state interactions, performance information, environmental sustainability and collaborative governance. His research has been published in Public Administration Review, American Review of Public Administration, Public Administration, and other outlets.